The steering group appoints a project manager (counsellor) to oversee each particular validation project. The steering group is responsible for quality criteria and the training of individuals taking part in the validation process.
Project manager: It is recommended that a student and career counsellor, is responsible for organising each evaluation project, this includes the recruitment of participants, assessors, and interpreters. The project manager is responsible for organising all sessions and meetings as well as registration, administration and handling of all documents used during the validation process. The project manager/student and career councillor provide support to the participant every step of the way. This guarantees a comprehensive approach to the validation process. In addition to the practicality of this approach it enables the student and career counsellor remind the participant of his accomplishment when needed in the assessment interview. This integrated approach is essential due to the vulnerability of the target group. Relevant laws and regulations in regards with handling personal information should be followed as well as making sure that the validation process follows set quality guidelines. The project manager is responsible for making sure that all correspondence is conducted fairly. The project manager handles and resolves grievances.
Assessors: Should be a master craftsman in the profession and/or qualified teachers in the profession. They conduct interviews with the participants based on a set reference point/stander set by the steering group. They are responsible for the assessment. Assessors attend preparation courses and should be mandatory.
Participant: A individual that fulfils the requirements set forth in the validation process and partakes in the VPL process. The participant can leave the process at any time.
Source: Leiðarvísir fyrir fagaðila, Raunfærnimatsferlið-mynd
Interview with assessors from The Technical College